Tag Archives: scout

Family Update – Fourth Veteran Toon!

So my original three Veteran’s (2 Musketeer’s and Grace Bernelli) were good and all, but I was having some serious issues going to higher-level zones. Therefore I decided to rush my Scout up to Veteran status. She hit it yesterday at around 10:00 AM EST. It’s shockingly odd just how much survival the Scout can add to your team. Now I can head into areas like Bahamar Wetlands without any issues. Sure things still take awhile to kill, but my team is perfectly safe.

My new goal is to get my Lorch Feurholden up to veteran status as well. The reason being is because I need a good, solid team for a variety of situations (Colony wars, PvE, farming, raids, etc) and Lorch provides that. “How?” you might ask. The Gigantic Blaster team buff.

One really neat aspect of Sword 2 is persistent team buffs. There aren’t many of them, but they’re nice. This particular team buff uses Grace, Lorch, and a standard Scout. I currently have Grace at Vet. Lv. 2 and Scout at Vet. Lv. 1, so all I need now is Lorch. Here’s the exact effect of the team buff:

Team Buff Team Composition Effect
Gigantic Blaster Grace Bernelli, Lorch Feurholden, Scout ATK Rating +1, ATK Speed +15%, ACC +30, Critical Rate +16%

As you can see, this buff is awesome. With just this buff and standard shotguns on Grace and Lorch they have max ACC and a decently high Critical Hit rate. The added AR and ATK Speed are also very good. Overall I think this is definitely one of the best team buffs in the game (of the 8 or so currently in it). In just a few days I should be farming like a beast!

New UPC – Feng Ling (v2.4)

Alright, back when I was beta testing Granado Espada with IAH Games, I signed up for announcement emails. Now, truth be told I haven’t received any… Up until the one I got just a few moment ago. In it they announced a new RNPC called Feng Ling. Here’s what it said:



(Click for a larger version)


That ability sounds like it’ll be pretty good. And since it’s in 2.4, we should get her either when K2 upgrades us to version 2.4 or a little bit afterwards once a few patches come through. I can easily see using her with an elementalist, whom is using lightning, as possibly a very powerful duo.


To get more info about here, click here.

What happens when a team mate spinelle’s your team…

Long time no blog post! Sorry for the lack of posts. I had some planned but simply never got around to it. So, just to brief you all on what’s been going on, here’s a list of stuff:


-My Wizard hit level 60 and now knows Levitation.


-I now want to try a team of three Wizards after I get Catherine.


-I have been searching for the Catherine parts and currently only don’t have the Hip, left arm and left hand.


-My fighter switched from the Heaven and Hell stance to the Rapier stances which are far superior in speed, evasion and versatility.


-I joined the clan ™ElderGods™.


So, now that that update’s out of the way, onto the main reason for this blog post; I was AFK-leveling with some clan members in Rion and came back to see this…..



(click for a larger version) 


I was like “WTF??????” One of my clan members thought it’d be funny to summon the level 100 boss, Tyrannosaurus. Yeah, well I didn’t think it was funny. As you can see, we dealt some damage to it right before it killed my Scout and Fighter. Then right after this picture was taken it targeted my flying Wizard, though it couldn’t hit it for some reason. So my Wizard never died.


After about 10 minutes of meaninglessly attacking it, a person by the name of HITRO came along with 3 level 80+ Musk’s (one was level 90) and managed to kill it in about a minute…. And then I took this picture….



(click for a larger version) 


Yeah. I look back at it now and laugh, because it is quite a funny screenshot, but geez. Honestly, if the majority of your Squad is below level 70 and only a few are above level 70 (but below level 80), DO NOT SUMMON A LEVEL 100 BOSS! Granted we managed to last for a while, but that’s just suicide.


Anyhow, thought I’d post this update for you all. Hopefully another post will come soon.

My Gaming Setup

Using two different computers is rather annoying (as you may recall from my first post, I use a Mac as my main computer and my crappy eMachines PC for Sword of the New World). And it’s doubly annoying when I am using the same exact monitor for both machines (my mac is using the DVI-in and my PC is using the VGA-in) and I only have one mouse to go between them. Below is a picture of my desk when I play Sword of the New World. 


You’ll see that I use two different keyboards (the back one is for my PC), and a wireless mouse. I must unplug the wireless adapter from my Mac keyboard and plug it into my PC keyboard in order to use a mouse on my PC. As you can see, I also have two sets of speakers (I think I’m going to remove the speakers far back which are on my PC) and a noise reducing headset which I initially bought for my iPod and editing videos with Final Cut in Mac OS X, but it now triples as a gaming headset. 


Also on my desk, and less common I might say, is my video camera which doubles as a webcam and my Blue Snowball microphone which I use to record audio with for videos (if I ever start using teamspeak, it’ll also be used in that).


So that’s my setup. It’s a mess, and a pain to deal with, but until I can afford an iMac and dual boot with Windows XP on that iMac, I have to setup my computer this way. Once I get my iMac, even without the XP disk, this will be far easier. I’ll still plugin my monitor to my iMac and run a dual screen, but when I play Sword of the New World, I simply set the monitor to VGA output so I can look at my Mac and PC as the same time.